Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2007
Risk Abuse in the Enterprise, Chad R. White
Systems Approach to Air Vehicle Parts Identification and Traceability, Lloyd Williams
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2006
A Minimum Essential IV&V Methodology, Jovanna F. Bunch
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2004
Preaching the Good News to the Poor: A Liberative Christology from the Stand of Dalit Christians, John Joseph Sundaram
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2002
Computer Icon Preference, Christian Heun
Consistency of Predictive Risk Factors for Drug Use Among LGBT Youth, David Mosby
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2001
Interpersonal Conflict: Situational Aspects and Personality Factors, Shannon Daugherty
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1999
Internet infidelity: Do evolutionary predictions apply?, Meredith E. Childers
Parenting Style and Self Esteem in an Urban Population, Sean F. Gilboy
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1998
Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Coping in Threatening and Non-threatening Situations, Michael E. Goldsmith
Ethno-Congruent Academic Role Models and the AcademicSelf-Efficacy, Professional Outcome Expectations, and AcademicPerformance of College Students, Matthew D. Jandrisevits
Concurrent Validity of theSilverman and Eals Spatial Memory Test, Vickie L. Pasterski
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1997
Academic Outcomes of Asian American University Students, Leala N. Nakawatase
The Long Term Impact Of Parental Divorce OnChildren's Adulthood Relationships, Pamela J. Reynolds
Relationship Satisfaction and Similarity in Personality, Leisure Activities and Conflict Resolution Style, Karin M. Trinkler
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1996
Instant Winners, Dominic A. Biondi
The Second, Michael F. Daley
Chance, Douglas Lieblein
Girlfriends, Daniel Mailliard
Have We Really Come a Long Way: Attitudes Toward the Roles of Provider and Housespouse, Elisabeth H. McMahon
Cultural Identification:Does It Relate to Self-Esteem?, Paulette M. Romain
Kodachrome, Emily Spivey
Coping Strategies of Children, Sandra J. Thompson
Social Support Behaviors of Newlywed Dyads as a Function of DepressiveSymptomatology, Shelly I. Tochluk
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1995
Playing Richard Burton, John Burnes
Heaven On Earth, Susana Lee da Silva
Turning Sixties, Douglas Gotthoffer
An Examination of the Relationship of Marital Satisfaction and Gender to Anger Expression, Mark P. Lusnar
Correlates of Judgements of Guilt or Innocence in Ambiguous, High Profile Cases of Alleged Sexual Harassment, Christine M. Mullen
Playing Dead, Joan Plantenberg
Teddy's Promise, Jan Popiden
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1994
Students' Attitudes Toward Working Women, Maria Callanan
The Invisible Woman, Adrienne B. Elloie
Nation of Cowards, John Scott Lewinski
A Wedding, Jim McClain
How do Depression and Anger Relate to Bulimia?, Lisa M. Natoli-Sheehan
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1993
Preferential Treatment, Colleen A. O'Hara
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1992
Teachin' The Hard Way, Louis A. Bond
Meeting at The Tellico Dam, Wendy Levin
The Fine Lines, Kurt Alan Moore
Kiss of Fire, Russell G. Paquette
Children's Reported and Actual Anxiety During Testimony, Raven Sosnowski
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1991
Love Is Relative, Brenda Allen
Burying The Hatchet, Evan Jacob Brenner
The Last Act, Kevin Galbraith
Just Trying to Help, Terence D. Johnson
First Rules, Raymond Soto
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1990
Pro, Jorge Alfonso Roman Del Real
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1989
Mawingo, Anne Marie Farrell
To There..., Brian Jon Haberlin
Underwraps, Janna F. King
Fortunate Sons, Evan Somers
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1988
Playing with Fire, Carolyn D. Ignacio
A Ray of Hope, Cristina L. Jalandoni
The Reason for Living, Leslie Lorraine Johnston
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1987
There Will Always Be...Me, Kristen Joyce Hansen
An Act of Protest, Edwina Lynch
Computing Love, Gail Mitchell
Nas Francisco, Donald Anthony Olsen
Ladies First, Gina Rester-Zodrow
Primal Scream, Maria Soledad Sanchez
The Make-Believers, Paul Mark Wardell
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1986
Your Place - Or Mine?, Catherine Flynn
Traitor, Peter Kearney Flynn
Details At Eleven, Robert Gunter
Practically Joking, Brian Thomas Helgeland
So I Took What I Could Get, David Michael James
Only Our Rivers Run Free, Seamus Pius McLaughlin
Heat, Jeffery Solder
One Woman's Freedom, Jayne Somogyi
Personal Choice, Diana Dorothea Steil
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1985
Here to Stay, James Percy Belcher
Going Under, Josephine Lauria Fargo
A Routine Investigation, Carlos King Hayata
Wendy Pine, Barnett M. Lichtenstein
Dead Heat, Arlene Palkay
The Snow Melter, Marci Gene Pool
Walker Dragoon, Joseph R. Szadkowski
Black Orchid, Mahmood Mohammad Yousef
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1984
The Gulf, Steven Douglas Olson
Total Energy Management, Dennis Michael Townsend
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1983
Chief Tavita of The South Seas, Antonio A. Afano
E Z E, Jude Gerald Ikechukwu Akudinobi
Rogue Wings, George T. Chronis
A Matter of Love, Keith E. Davis
The Nun-Runners, Bell Orestes De Souza
La Gonzalera, Eduardo Croes Febres
A Private Moment, Alan Havir
Nam, Craig Martin Hoffman
Fair Chase, John Joseph Jelinek
Unspoken Words, Roger C. Memos
The Sheik, Maria Helena Mendoza
Betrayal, Francisco J. Moreno
Inheritance: Heart and Mind, Darlene Antoinette Ramirez
The Homecoming, Rohit Kenneth Shukla
The Blacksmith, Oscar Erik Smith
Between Father and Son, Anthony Stephen Sosa
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1982
Never Goin' Home, Bruce G. Chudacoff
High Heels and Horseshoes, Nancy A. Griffin
The Deadliest Angel, Laura Lynn Ignacio