Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2017
Bloody Sunday, Cheri Monique Shannon
Typical, Ese Shaw
Terry's Women, Anastasia Shulepova
Goodlands, Valerie Taylor
Everyone Dies When They Come to My House, David Techman
Sonoran, Brandon Valencia
Lived History of a Transformative Leader with a Disability: An Evocative Autoethnography for Social Justice, Sofia Vergara
Josh, A Journey, Charles Vijay Kumar
Intercepting the Intergenerational Trauma of Mass Incarceration Through Art-Based Parent Programs, Ana Ruth Yela Castillo
The Playing Field, Ahleea Zama
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2016
Establish an Online Government Employment System for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sarah Abdulbadie
Unburying the Mirror: An Autoethnography of a Latino Teacher Who Left the Classroom, Arturo Rafael Acevedo-Febles
Schools of Education in a New Era of Accountability: A Case Study of an Annual Report Process Used to Advance a Professional Learning Community, Manuel A. Aceves
Teacher Professional Capital: The Relationship between Principal Practice and Teacher Job Satisfaction, Christine Annette Burke Adams
Development and Improvement of Tourism System in Saudi Arabia, Tamim Alajlan
Writing for Transformation: Teen Girls of Color and Critical Literacy in a Creative Writing Program, Rebecca Alber
Opening the Gates of a GATE Program: A Mixed Methods Study of Recruitment Processes and Retention Practices in One Multicultural Middle School, Marie Lynette Aldapa
Reliable and Safe Power Solutions for Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz Aldughaimi
Managing Food Waste in Saudi Arabia, Lamya Alharbi
E-tutor, Eman Alkahtani
Promoting Awareness and Early Detection of Breast Cancer in Saudi Arabia, Latifa Alkuwaiz
Breaking the “At Risk” Code: Deconstructing the Myth and the Label, Kara Christine Allen
Improving Safety in Hajj, Amer Almarshed
Oppression of Women in the Islamic World and Gender Inequality in Saudi Arabia, Meshail AlMofawez
Improving the Business Permit Systems in Saudi Arabia, Wael A. Almula
Rental Payment Solution Using HomeHey, Abdullah Althinayyan
Situated Learning and Latino Male Gang Members at Homeboy Industries, Mauricio Arocha
Contributions of the Jesuits to Human Rights in Mexico: A Case Study of Center Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez, Luis Arriaga Valenzuela
Transformation of Saudi Arabia Economic System, Osama Asiri
Diane, Alec Baer
Stories of Persistence: Filipina/o American Undergraduate Students in a Private, Catholic, and Predominantly White University, Angelica M. Bailon
Access, Technology, and Parental Involvement: A Case Study on a West Los Angeles Charter School, Tanisha M. Barnett
Turnaround Strategies at an Underperforming Urban Elementary School: An Examination of Stakeholder Perspectives, Angela Watkins Bass
Beyond Recidivism: Learning with Formerly Incarcerated Men About Youth Incarceration, Scott Patrick Bastian
Listening to Student Voices: A Critical Study of Homework, Michael Bates
Taken Over: The Story of the Locke High School Takeover Through a Qualitative Study of Student Voice, Joshua Michael Beardall
Living Learning Communities: An Intervention in Keeping Women Strong in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Jennifer Belichesky-Larson
Bhakti Yoga: Understanding Bhakti Through Rasa Sentiment, Johanna Bennett
Esteemicide: Countering the Legacy of Self-Esteem in Education, Kenzo Bergeron
A Week in Your Shoes: The Impacts of a Visual Art Program Informed by Clinical Art Therapy With Adolescents in a School Setting, Jessica Bianchi
Education Policy on Extra Classes: Implications for Secondary Education in Northern Ghana, Camillo Abatanie Bonsuuri
Physics First: Impact on SAT Math Scores, Craig Earl Bouma
An Examination of Catholic School Teachers’ Perceptions and Legal Understanding of Cyberbullying, Mary Beth Boyer
Teachers and Cheating: The Relationship Between the Classroom Environment and High School Student Cheating, Colby James Boysen
Fighting Fire With Fire: The Use of A Multimedia WebQuest in Increasing Middle-School Students’ Understandings of Cyberbullying, Elizabeth Ann Brewer
Critical Hip-hop Graffiti Pedagogy in a Primary School, Wade E. Brown
Legacy Student Information System: Replacement or Enhancement?, Leah Burstein
Redemption from Darkness: A Study of Form and Function, Sacred and Secular, within the Genre of Apocalypse, Margaret R. Butterfield
An Exploration Of Creative Arts Therapies In Pediatric Hospitals, Jacqueline Marie Carlson and Hilda Mercedes Galan
Charter Schools as Leverage for Special Education Reform, Tommy Chang
Father Sky, Mother Earth, Frank Cohen
Hiring Leaders in Catholic Schools, Camryn Marie Connelly
Exploring Sexuality Through Art Making, Martha C. Cowley, Jane Gallop, and Amanda Hale Feinberg
Teacher Understanding of Curricular and Pedagogical Decision-Making Processes at an Urban Charter School, Rodolfo Cuevas Jr.
Sandcastle, Alison Cukierski
Intergroup Relations in Inclusive Classrooms: The Development and Validation of the Intergroup Relations Classroom Environment Scale (IRCES), Matthew P. Cunningham
Breaking Ground on the University Garden: Service-learning and Action Research, Bryce Collin Davis
A Study of Teacher-Buy-In and Grading Policy Reform in a Los Angeles Archdiocesan Catholic High School, Christian Martín De Larkin II
Family Art Assessment And Advocating For Children, Rachel L. Del Dosso
The New Ecology of Biliteracy in California: An Exploratory Study of the Early Implementation of the State Seal of Biliteracy, Tanya Margarita DeLeon
Online Professional Development: Implications on Self-Efficacy Levels and Classroom Instruction for Teachers in a Catholic High School, Jose Carlo De Vera
Camden's Children, Jameo Duncan
Hell Run, Elliott Bryce Duque-Estrada
Astronette, Andrea Edgley
Legendary, Joseph C. England
Collaborative Strategic Planning: A Mixed Methods Study of Models and Superintendents’ Perspectives, William Robert Espinosa
Examining English Language Development among English Language Learners with Specific Learning Disability, Karla Vanessa Estrada
Cereal, David Falcone
Organizing a Grassroots Math Literacy Campaign: The Launching of the Young People’s Project in Los Angeles, Michael Jacob Farber
Portraits by African-American Male University Students: A Retrospective Study, Lauren Fissori
College Preparation in a Low-Income, Urban, Public High School: A Case Study, Catherine Marie Foote
Instructional Experiences and Schooling Factors of Long-Term English Learners, Rafael Gaeta
Educational Technology: Leadership and Implementation, Anthony James Galla
The Impact of Catholic High School Education: Catholic High School Young Adult Alumnae Perception and Engagement in Social Justice Related Activities, Antony John Joseph Gaspar
One Mission, Many Ministries, Amy S. Glenane
Parents’ Perceptions of Partners in Print, a Family Literacy Program, Rebecca Jane Godbey
Teaching Critical Media Literacy Through Videogame Creation in Scratch Programming, Elizabeth Anne Gregg
Fatigued, Isis Grills
Expedite Tool, Anna Haney
Revenue-Based Financial Modeling: A Sustainable Model for Medium-Size, Private, Mission-Based Schools of Education, Joseph Harbouk
Service and Learning for Whom? Toward a Critical Decolonizing Bicultural Service Learning Pedagogy, Kortney Hernandez
A Qualitative Study of Three Urban Catholic High Schools: Investigating Parent and Principal Expectations and Realizations of Parental Involvement and the Parent-School Relationship, Karen Elayne Holyk-Casey
An Examination of School Harassment for Middle School Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Questioning Students, Kimberly Megan Indelicato
A Lean Systems Engineering Approach to the Department of Defense Global Hawk Program, Bri Jarcho
Expected and Unexpected Outcomes of a Service-Learning Program Rooted in Social Justice and Pragmatic Constructivism, Jeffrey M. Jenkins
Restorative Justice As intrinsic to the Church’s Mission, Catholic Theology and Sacramental Ethics, Yesica A. Jiménez
Rupture, Dwayne Kemele
“If at First You Do Not Succeed:” A Study of Teacher Resiliency in Sixteen Public Urban Elementary Schools, Jinny Youn Kim
Catholic School Leaders’ Perceptions of Governance Models in Los Angeles Parochial Schools, Kristopher Leo Knowles
Literacy Achievement in Nongraded Classrooms, Anita Therese Kreide
Linking Resource Allocation to Student Achievement: A Study of Title 1 and Title 1 Stimulus Utilization, Kati Petersen Krumpe
Financial Models in Catholic Education, Richard Kruska
Yasuke: The Black Samurai, Aaron A. Lancaster
Women Principals of Jewish Secular High Schools in Israel: Access and Progress, Dana Michelle Lebental
Teacher Perceptions of School Discipline: A Critical Interrogation of a Merit and Demerit System, Evelyn Licea