Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2018
The Continuing Formation of Priests in China, Weiping Li
Bad Company, Ashley Locher
Play the Fool, Daniel Martinez
Art Therapy and Art History Theories, an Inquiry, Hannah L. Masters
"Nevertheless, She Persisted": The Challenges and Opportunities Experienced by Novice Female Charter School Principals, Heather McManus
Hitmans, Jordon Mitchell
Defining Community-Based Art Therapy: How Art Therapy in School Settings is Facilitating Community-Based Art Therapy, Monica R. Morales
Homegrown Teacher Project: Developing an Early Intervention Pipeline for Teachers of Color, Yadira Moreno
Visualizing the Transition Out of High-Demand Religions, Summer Anne Myers
Anselm on the Atonement in Cur Deus Homo: Salvation as a Gratuitous Grace, Thu Nguyen
A Heuristic Exploration of the Intersections of Social Justice Theory, Community Art Therapy, and Cultural Humility, Beth Ordway
Camp Suzanne: A Qualitative Case Study on Attachment Theory and Longevity Considerations for an Art Therapeutic Program for Incarcerated Mothers and their Children, Noelle Palm and Kaylee Falcon
My Keeper, Caroline Papadimos
Reconstructing the Image of Self and God in Second Generation Korean American Catholic Women, Frances Park
From Guest to Host: Cultural and Language Conflict in the Korean American Catholic Parish, Irene H. Park
Sidelined, Sheena Pinkey
A Critical Interrogation of the Mind, Brain, and Education Movement: Toward a Social Justice Paradigm, Bibinaz Pirayesh
Star Patrol Space Squad, Patrick J. Pittis
Critical Mass, Tom Radovich
Using Art to Illuminate Therapists Experiences Diagnosing Children with Trauma, Sarah Tokimi Raphael
Feminist Boyfriend, Ashley M. Ryan
Tax Evasion: A Greek National Sport, Kyriaki Sarri
Satellite Constellation Architecture and Design to take Advantage of On-Orbit Servicing and Repair, Douglas Sciortino
Reclaiming Privation Theory for the Contemporary World, William Joshua Shrader-Perry
The Politics of Ethnic Studies, Cultural Centers, and Student Activism: The Voices of Black Women at the Academic Borderlands, Frederick Smith
High Risk, Robert Walton Smith
Art Therapy and Attachment Focused Treatment for Treating Children and Adolescents with Complex Trauma, Crystal Y. Solares
A Qualitative Study of Adult Perspectives of Loyola Marymount’s Summer Arts Workshop, Colleen Stafford
The Fear of Aging and the Self: A Heuristicaly Influenced Study, Leia R. Steingart
One Eyed Suze, Elizabeth Stickley
Quantum Mechanics, Eric Jordon Tate
How to Bring Young Adults into the Life of the Church, Huyen Truong
Unseen, Camille Tucker
Just a Day, Zachary Tull
Systems Engineering Analysis for Optimum Selection Protocol for Thermal Expansion Measurement of a Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Tube, Ronald Uchimiya
Rediscovering the Theology of Lay Ministry and Presenting a Pastoral Plan: “The Integral Christian Formation Of Lay Leaders” for the Catholic Church in Tamil Nadu, India, Bernard Joseph Viagappan
A Paut Neteru Journey: An Autoethnographic Study of a Black Female Charter School Leader Using an Africentric Approach, Patricia Linn Williams
Global Education: Assets and Challenges for Global Competency in Catholic Schools, Beate Winkler Nguyen
System Engineering Analysis of Terraforming Mars with an Emphasis on Resource Importation Technology, Brandon Wong
Neptune, Grant Zizzo
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2017
HANDY KSA: A Home Maintenance Solution for Saudi Arabia, Maram Alasmi
A Multiphase, Integrated Solution to the Water Crisis in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed H. Aldamer
Detained, Hajar Al Naim
Reduction of Road Fatalities in KSA by Strengthening the Penalty System and Education, Adnan Saleh Alromi
Transformative Community School Practices and Impacts: A Tale of Two Community Schools, Aixle D. Aman
Potential of One-to-One Technology Uses and Pedagogical Practices: Student Agency and Participation in an Economically Disadvantaged Eighth Grade, Maria Dulce Silva Andrade Johnson
Exploring the Long-Term Effects of Domestic Violence in Art Therapy Treatment, Ekaterini Angelis
Ball is Life: Black Male Student-Athletes Narrate Their Division I Experiences, Eno Attah Meekins
Improve the Education System in Saudi Arabia, Dana Bakry
Forming and Supporting Lay Catholic Elementary School Principals as Spiritual Leaders, Erin C.O. Barisano
Art Therapy and Neuroscience: A Model for Wellness, Ceccily J. Bednash
Smoke + Mirrors, Jonathan Burnett
Thornfield, Jane Campbell
The Potential of Refugee Art to Inspire Empathy and Social Action, Zoé Cavnar-Lewandowski and Kelsey Gavin
Using Assessment Data for Informed Decision-Making in Catholic High Schools, David Chambers
The Schooling Experiences of African American Males Attending Predominately White Independent Schools, Dana Adams Coleman
Assessing Couples’ Relationships Through Art Making: A Replication Study, Courtney Combe and Spencer Harden
It All Adds Up: Professional Development, Content Knowledge, and Self-Efficacy in Middle School Math Teachers, Wendy Creek
The Field, Brian Davis
Blouse & Skirt, Ashley Shauna Deleon
Signed, Her Soul, Shaniqua Durant
Dear Dad, Alexandra Eddy
The Intruder, Hazar Eskandar
Aerospace Intrapreneurship: Systems Engineering an Aerospace Front End, Leonard J. Figueroa
Universal Design for Learning: A New Clinical Practice Assessment Tool Toward Creating Access and Equity for ALL Students, Diane Fogarty
The Jig is Up, Alexis A. Franklin
Hand Mudrās as a Practice of Connecting to the Divine, Ana Maria Galarraga (Rydell)
Assessing the distribution of environmental stewardship organizations and their relationship to the demographics of Los Angeles County, Krystle M. Golly
Orbital Debris Removal, Ryan Gomez
Up for Demolition, Brittany Green
An Exploration of Trauma Markers in the Artwork of Serial Killers, Kiran M. Haynes
EV Charging Station Infrastructure, Yingfen Huang
The Power of Empathy: A Critical Narrative Inquiry of Cultural Competencies in New Teachers, Marcus K. Hughes, Sr.
Educating the Whole Being: Yoga & Mindfulness in Schools, Trang Huynh
A Critical Analysis of Sexuality Education in the United States: Toward an Inclusive Curriculum for Social Justice, Tiffani Kocsis
Frenchies, Kuan Fu Lin
Principals as Partners in Change: Insights on Common Core State Standards Implementation, Brian Lucas
Registry X's Road to Lean - A Systems Approach, PJ Mallari
Clark, Daniel Mcdonald
Strawberry Fields, Sam J. McGoldrick
BAAAMM, Angela R. Miller, Alice Mary Thomas, Melissa Rivera, Brooke A. Pfaff, Ana Zuanic, and Monica Esquivel
A Review and Analysis of the MFT Clinical Art Therapy Program at Loyola Marymount University in Connection to a Clinical Case Study, Edith Matilda Moses
Sin Lottery, Kate Neuer
Communication, Alex Newman
Spring, Orchid (Ying Chun), Hengqing Pan
The Off Season, Jenna Park
Transcender, Ernest Pathi
Cascade, Bret Quinn
"When Do We Play?": Administrator, Teacher, and Parent Perceptions of Play in a Catholic Kindergarten Classroom, Aimée Eva Ramirez
The Con, Ariel Rejae
Exploring Resilience through the Observation of Group Art Therapy with Adolescents, Jamie N. Rios
Detroitus, Evan Romansky
The Mortician, DJ Ross
An Emancipatory Pedagogy of Jesus Christ: Toward a Decolonizing Epistemology of Education and Theology, Terrelle Billy Sales
Spirituality and Art Therapy: The Practice of Sufi Zikr, Sufi Meditation Tamarkoz and Art-Making From an Art Therapist’s Lens, Leyla Salmassian
Not Your Average Fairytale, Briana Salvage
Superintendent Turnover in Guam, Alvin Sanga