Student Research and Publications from 2016
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Obama Administration’s Education Speeches, Adriane Kayoko Peralta
Addiction: Physiology in Performance, Opioid Pharmacology in Character Development for the Theater, Lacey M. Smith
Adolescent Mentors and the Latino Community, Arazeli L. Melendez
African American Parental Engagement in a Public Middle School: Contributing Factors, Laura J. McGowan-Robinson
African Americans in Advertising: A Fight for Representation, Riley O'Keefe
Afrocentric Pedagogy as a Transformative Educational Practice, Miranda L. Ra'oof
A Lean Systems Engineering Approach to the Department of Defense Global Hawk Program, Bri Jarcho
American Vampires, Adinah Bolden
An Ab Initio Study of Oxygen Depletion on TiO2 Brookite Nanoparticle Surfaces and Implications for Photocatalysis and Solar Energy Conversion, Katherine G. Johnson
An Analysis of Fifth-Grade Teachers’ Mathematical Inputs on Eighth-Grade Students’ Mathematical Outputs, Neeraj Raj Satyal
An Examination of Catholic School Teachers’ Perceptions and Legal Understanding of Cyberbullying, Mary Beth Boyer
An Examination of School Harassment for Middle School Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Questioning Students, Kimberly Megan Indelicato
An Exploration Of Creative Arts Therapies In Pediatric Hospitals, Jacqueline Marie Carlson and Hilda Mercedes Galan
An Exploration of Existential Group Art Therapy for Substance Abuse Clients with a History of Trauma, Sung Liskin
Animated South Africa, Steven J. Johnson
An Information System for Health Care Quality Measures, Matthew Mycroft
Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties of Medicinal Plants, Victoria Q. Nguyen
A Place to Belong: Critical Queer Pedagogy for Social Justice in Catholic Education, Roydavid Villanueva Quinto
A Qualitative Study of Three Urban Catholic High Schools: Investigating Parent and Principal Expectations and Realizations of Parental Involvement and the Parent-School Relationship, Karen Elayne Holyk-Casey
Architecting an Online Social Resource for Amateur Filmmakers using a Hybrid Systems Engineering and Agile Approach, Thomas J. Smith II
Artificially Intelligent Robots Modelled After Ants, Haley L. Fletcher
Ascanius Project: MECH 401/402 Senior Capstone Experience, Ray H. Colquhoun, Joshua Solberg, Martin Tangari, and Emanuel Di Stasio
Assessing competition between invasive and native plant species at Ascot Hills Park, Jacquelyn Galvez
Astronette, Andrea Edgley
A Study of Teacher-Buy-In and Grading Policy Reform in a Los Angeles Archdiocesan Catholic High School, Christian Martín De Larkin II
A Systems Engineering Approach Towards Millennial Investment Strategies, Ethan L. Smith
At the Mountains of Madness, Daniel Birmingham and Tom Szollosi
Attic Salt, 2016, Loyola Marymount University, The Honors Program
Augmented Reality in the Classroom, Patrick JB Foster and Sean Cunniff
A Week in Your Shoes: The Impacts of a Visual Art Program Informed by Clinical Art Therapy With Adolescents in a School Setting, Jessica Bianchi
Becoming Unionized in a Charter School: How Charter School Teachers Navigate the Culture of Choice, Elizabeth Montaño
Beyond Recidivism: Learning with Formerly Incarcerated Men About Youth Incarceration, Scott Patrick Bastian
Bhakti Yoga: Understanding Bhakti Through Rasa Sentiment, Johanna Bennett
Black Lives Matter: Why Black Feminism?, AnaLexicis T. Bridewell
Blogs and Feature Articles: Foster Youth in Higher Education, Superheroine Figures in Film, and More, Amanda Hayes and Jessica Langlois
Blue Water, Sydney Stuart
Border Living, Michelle Quintero
Breaking Ground on the University Garden: Service-learning and Action Research, Bryce Collin Davis
Breaking the “At Risk” Code: Deconstructing the Myth and the Label, Kara Christine Allen
Brown v. Board of Education (1954) An Analysis of Policy Implementation, Outcomes, and Unintended Consequences, Carla M. McCullough
Building Spiritual Capital: The Effects of Kundalini Yoga on Adolescent Stress, Emotional Affect, and Resilience, Meliné Sarkissian
Butterflies, Adinah Bolden
Camden's Children, Jameo Duncan
Carina the Comic vs. The Lit Review, Carina S. Adra
Catholic School Leaders’ Perceptions of Governance Models in Los Angeles Parochial Schools, Kristopher Leo Knowles
Cereal, David Falcone
Changing Food Consumption Behavior in Saudi Arabia, Rayan Malki
Changing Mindsets: A Case Study of a Community of Practice between Charter and Traditional Public School Leaders in the School Leaders Network, Manuel Nicolas Ponce Jr.
Charter Schools as Leverage for Special Education Reform, Tommy Chang
Children are the Messengers: A Case Study of Academic Success Through the Voices of High-Achieving Low-Income Elementary Students, Stephen Howard McCray
Cinco, Seis, Siete, Ocho, Christina Kochenderfer
Closing the Gap: The Effects of Alternative Certification Programs on Intern Self-Efficacy, Marianne Mitchell
CMST 204, Kateri M. Milanesa
Collaborative Strategic Planning: A Mixed Methods Study of Models and Superintendents’ Perspectives, William Robert Espinosa
College Knowledge: How Immigrant Latino Parents Access Information, Ana F. Ponce
College Preparation in a Low-Income, Urban, Public High School: A Case Study, Catherine Marie Foote
Communication Network Among Campus Sustainability Influencers, Alexandra C. Freling
Community Gardens and Environmental Justice in the LA Area: A Comparative Analysis, Ann Eme
Compton, Mario Canchola
Concentrations of Lead in Germany's Tap Water, Kirby E. Townsend
Contact Improvisation: Concepts of Physics Transformed into Art, Gianna F. Todisco
Contributions of the Jesuits to Human Rights in Mexico: A Case Study of Center Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez, Luis Arriaga Valenzuela
Counterculture and Eighteenth-Century Men's Fashion, Alison F. Huntley
Counter Narrating the Media’s Master Narrative: A Case Study of Victory High School, Beth Trinchero
Criterion, Volume 34, 2016, Loyola Marymount University English Department
Critical Hip-hop Graffiti Pedagogy in a Primary School, Wade E. Brown
Culture in Relation to Animation, Kaitlyn N. Ryan
Dance and the Entertainment Industry: How Television and Movies Portray an Art Form as Spectacle and Sport, Jennifer Volanti
Dance and Well-being in Older Adult Communities: Exploring Efficacy as a Mediator, Beth McGowan
Dance and Well-being in Older Adult Communities: Exploring Efficacy as a Mediator, Beth M. McGowan
Dancing for the Being; A Teaching Exploration of Invertigo Dance Theater's Dancing Through Parkinson's Classes, Madeline Hamill
Daydream Album Release Experience: Exploring the Role as a Creative Director and the Beauty of Collaboration, Angelica Migliazza
Defining Defiance: African-American Middle School Students’ Perspective on the Impact of Teachers’ Disciplinary Referrals, Patricia Ray
De iniustitia belli: Violence Against Civilians in the Thirty Years War, Joseph Berg
Determining West Basin Treatment Plant’s Ability to Consistently Produce Drinking Quality Water from Wastewater, Joseph Dooling
Development and Improvement of Tourism System in Saudi Arabia, Tamim Alajlan
Diane, Alec Baer
Disability and Power: A Charter School Case Study Investigating Grade-Level Retention of Students with Learning Disabilities, Esther Lorraine Perez
Diversity in American Drama, Julia da Motta
Does Drama Matter?, Wyatt Beeler
Dreams Deferred: A Critical Narrative Analysis of African American Males in Pursuit of Higher Education, Martinique Starnes
Educational Technology: Leadership and Implementation, Anthony James Galla
Education Policy on Extra Classes: Implications for Secondary Education in Northern Ghana, Camillo Abatanie Bonsuuri
Effective Instruction in the Blended Learning Classroom, Stepan Mekhitarian
Effective Leadership Strategies: What Novice Catholic Elementary Principals Know, Do, And Want to Learn, Linda Rogers Wiley
Espacios Alternativos, Alternate Spaces, Alexia F. Pineda
Establish an Online Government Employment System for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sarah Abdulbadie
Esteemicide: Countering the Legacy of Self-Esteem in Education, Kenzo Bergeron
E-tutor, Eman Alkahtani
Evaluating Morningstar Wide Moat Stocks, Zachary Bishkin and Joshua Spizman
Examining English Language Development among English Language Learners with Specific Learning Disability, Karla Vanessa Estrada
Exonerated, Adam Maksoad
Expected and Unexpected Outcomes of a Service-Learning Program Rooted in Social Justice and Pragmatic Constructivism, Jeffrey M. Jenkins
Expedite Tool, Anna Haney
Exploration of the Process of an Altered Book Project With Women Cancer Survivors, Jillian E. Luz