Student Research and Publications from 2016
Exploring Latinidad: Latina Voice and Cultural Awareness in a Catholic Female Single-Sex High School, Candy Navarro
Exploring Sexuality Through Art Making, Martha C. Cowley, Jane Gallop, and Amanda Hale Feinberg
Exploring the Lost Art of Attention Through Making: Undivided, Sydney Franz
Faceless Sculpture, Carla Ventura
Factors Impacting Persistence for African-American and Latino Community College Students, Amy Radovčić
Family Art Assessment And Advocating For Children, Rachel L. Del Dosso
Father Sky, Mother Earth, Frank Cohen
Fatigued, Isis Grills
Fear, Megan Castillo
"Feel As I Say": The Effect of Deceptive Rhetoric on Perceptions of Crime in Panama, Alfredo Y. Hernandez
Fighting Fire With Fire: The Use of A Multimedia WebQuest in Increasing Middle-School Students’ Understandings of Cyberbullying, Elizabeth Ann Brewer
Financial Models in Catholic Education, Richard Kruska
First To Everything, Sarah Poblano
Flirty, Scarlett J. Sanchez
Forgive Me, Brenda Hernandez
Formation of Unimolecular G-Quadruplex Macrocycles from N9-Modified Guanine Derivatives, Lauren A. Thurlow and Jeremy E. McCallum
For the Dreamers, Mariajose Gomez
France, Indonesia, and the Limits of Economic Integration, Michael Busse and David French
From Inclusion for Some to Inclusion for All: A Case Study of the Inclusion Program at One Catholic Elementary School, Emily Marie Paz
From Silver to Opium: A Study of the Evolution and Impact of the British-Chinese Trade System from 1780 to 1842, Dominic V. Budetti
From Studio to Stage: The Rehearsal Process, Emily C. Pavelka
Funds of Knowledge that Support Teacher-Student Relationships: A Narrative Study of Effective Teachers, James Allan Pasto
Gatsby as Poetry, Patricia R. Lynch
Gender Inequity Within Public Accounting, Paige Petersen
Goliath, Nicholas C. Pangilinan
Grandma Got Run Over by the Fashion Industry: An Analysis of the Negative Effects of Western Hegemonic Beauty Standards on Women 60+, Victoria R. Owens
Graphic Design as a Tool of the American Civil Rights Movement, Julian Kehle
Greek Tourism Efforts and the Resultant Revenue, Alfredo Y. Hernandez
Guerrilla, Jake TMT Sheets
Heijunka Automation, Michael Trelinski
Hell Run, Elliott Bryce Duque-Estrada
High Power Rocket Design Report, Laura E. Calcara, Monica Fernandez, Chris Green, and Trent Hosokawa
Hiring Leaders in Catholic Schools, Camryn Marie Connelly
Homelessness on Los Angeles' Skid Row: A Theory of [Responsibility], Savannah Woolston
How to Make Your Review Lit, Justice Kiara Whitney Domingo
Hummingbird Responses to Predator Decoys, Michael Gloudeman, Erich Eberts, Peter Auger, and Eric Strauss
ICE, Genesis Montalvo
“If at First You Do Not Succeed:” A Study of Teacher Resiliency in Sixteen Public Urban Elementary Schools, Jinny Youn Kim
Impacts Of An Artist Residency Program Informed By Social Action Art Therapy, Jessica Bui Lo
Implementing Calendar Reform in a Suburban Catholic Elementary School: A Case Study, Catherine Cichocki Muzzy
Improving Safety in Hajj, Amer Almarshed
Improving the Business Permit Systems in Saudi Arabia, Wael A. Almula
Instructional Experiences and Schooling Factors of Long-Term English Learners, Rafael Gaeta
Intergroup Relations in Inclusive Classrooms: The Development and Validation of the Intergroup Relations Classroom Environment Scale (IRCES), Matthew P. Cunningham
Investigating Collaborative Inquiry: A Case Study of a Professional Learning Community at Lennox Charter High School, Alyce H. Prentice
Investigating Metal Cations as Potential Inhibitors of IAPP Aggregation: KCl, CaCl2, and CuCl2, Megan Burke
Investigating the Relationship Between Algae-Feeding Fish Populations and Coral Cover and Diversity in Roatan, Honduras, Mia R. Calhoun Mummert
Investigation of a Mycobacteriophage Transcription Repressor, Kathryn Orban
Jail Bait, Jonathan Talbert
Just for Today, James (Billy) Yates
Latinas’ Access to Advanced Placement Courses: A Case Study of a Catholic Female Single-Sex High School, Jennifer Maria Pérez Aguilar
Latino and Latina Urban Elementary Principals’ Entry into Educational Administration, José Montaño
Legacy Student Information System: Replacement or Enhancement?, Leah Burstein
Legendary, Joseph C. England
Letters from a Cynical Romantic, Genesis Montalvo
Linking Resource Allocation to Student Achievement: A Study of Title 1 and Title 1 Stimulus Utilization, Kati Petersen Krumpe
Listening to Student Voices: A Critical Study of Homework, Michael Bates
Literacy Achievement in Nongraded Classrooms, Anita Therese Kreide
Literacy and Ideology: A Qualitative Research Study of a Language Arts Class of Language Minority Students Using the Scripted Curriculum High Point, Elizabeth Osorio-Arzate
#LiteratureReview, Uakea E. Jose
Literature Review 101, Genevieve Baxter Murphy
Lit Review, Anna E. Carothers
Lit Review Story, Abrielle S. Haley
Live Dance Attendance and Alternative Forms of Entertainment: A Study of Preference Profiles for Live Dance Attendance in Relation to Potential Imperfect Technological Substitutes, Bennett E. Williams
Living Learning Communities: An Intervention in Keeping Women Strong in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Jennifer Belichesky-Larson
Looking Glass, Cameron Billingham
Los Angeles Miscellany Volume 64, 2016, Loyola Marymount University English Department
Make Time, Jonathan Paul Medici
Male Chinese Student Transitions to Life in an American Secondary Catholic Boarding School, Matthew R. Mallon
Managing Food Waste in Saudi Arabia, Lamya Alharbi
Mari, Ryan B. Massey
Maric Ruz, Christine McAulife
Marlaina Owens' Senior Recital, Marlaina A. Owens
Mathematics of the Rubik's Cube, Kara M. Dismuke
Media Literacy and the Common Good: A Link to Catholic Social Teaching, Maria Rosalia Tenorio de Azevedo
Merck & Co., Inc. Valuation, Daniella Ryskina
Mind Full: A Journey to Find Inner Peace, Emely Luna
Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress Damage and its Role in Neurodegeneration, Mikayla R. Sweitzer
Monty and the Runaway Furance, Joe Taranto
NASM Personal Training Certification, Carrie Anne Whitelam
One Mission, Many Ministries, Amy S. Glenane
Online Professional Development: Implications on Self-Efficacy Levels and Classroom Instruction for Teachers in a Catholic High School, Jose Carlo De Vera
Only 45 Minutes Away, Guadalupe Astorga Contreras
Opening the Gates of a GATE Program: A Mixed Methods Study of Recruitment Processes and Retention Practices in One Multicultural Middle School, Marie Lynette Aldapa
Oppression of Women in the Islamic World and Gender Inequality in Saudi Arabia, Meshail AlMofawez
Organizational Assimilation through Heritage Language Programming: Reconciling Justice and Bilingualism, Ricardo José Pedroarias
Organizing a Grassroots Math Literacy Campaign: The Launching of the Young People’s Project in Los Angeles, Michael Jacob Farber
Parents’ Perceptions of Partners in Print, a Family Literacy Program, Rebecca Jane Godbey
Perceptions of Appearance Toward the Self and Others, Allison Swenson
Perceptions Regarding the Use and Experience of Information and Communication Technology from Female Students in a Catholic Middle School, Julio Cuauhtemoc Tellez
Photosynthetic Characterization of Invasive Plant Diversity in Los Angeles County from 1830-2010, Lauren E. Pangburn, Erich Eberts, and Victor Carmona-Galindo
Physics First: Impact on SAT Math Scores, Craig Earl Bouma
Piano, Performance, Politics: The World of Piano Competitions in Increasingly Global Scales, Anna Thompson
Portraits by African-American Male University Students: A Retrospective Study, Lauren Fissori
Power and Gender: British Women’s Role in 19th Century Imperial India, Mary Densmore
Preferential Options and Palimpsests: Transferring the Founders’ Catholic Charism from Vowed Religious Educators to Lay Educators, Patrick Paschal Lynch
Preserving Avian Biodiversity in Ascot Hills Park Presentation, Sarah M. Shapiro
Prison Gender Relations through an Intersectional Lense, Alexandra S. Meek