Works from 2022
Challenges and Opportunities in Diversifying the Leadership Pipeline: Flow, Leaks and Interventions, Edward J. Fuller and Michelle D. Young
City of Culver City Coyote Management Report, Melinda Weaver, Michele Romolini, and Eric G. Strauss
Collaborative Spirit-Writing for Social Justice: In Giardina, M. and N. K. Denzin,, Bryant Keith Alexander
Community-building, empowering voices and brave spaces through LIS professional conferences, Jennifer Masunaga, Jessea Young, Aisha Conner-Gaten, and Nataly Blas
Comparison of Lean Healthcare Systems Engineering Process (LHSE) for Healthcare Improvement Projects with Earlier Improvement Initiatives, Bohdan W. Oppenheim, Michael H. Kanter, and Aleksander Buczacki
Comparison of Lean Healthcare Systems Engineering Process (LHSE) for Healthcare Improvement Projects with Earlier Improvement Initiatives, Bohdan W. Oppenheim, Michael H. Kanter, and Aleksander Buczacki
Conflating Relevance with Practical Significance and Other Issues: Commentary on Sen, Smith, and Van Note’s “Statistical Significance Versus Practical Importance in Information Systems Research”, Kaveh Mohajeri, Mostafa Mesgari, and Allen S. Lee
Critical and Performative Reflections on Current Crises, Bryant Keith Alexander
Deductive and Inductive Arguments, Timothy Shanahan
“Depicting Amazons as Local Heroes in Hellenized Anatolia.”, Amanda Herring
Developing Competencies for Outreach Work in Academic Libraries, Rebecca Metzger and John Jackson
Dialogue on the Threshold: Heidegger and Trakl, Ian Alexander Moore
Digital Collection Self-Migration at Loyola Marymount University: Assessing Platforms and Managing Implementation, Jessea Young and Steph Gritz
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Perspectives from Contemporary India and 6th Century Jain Yoga, Christopher Key Chapple
Does a Human Being Gain the Right to Live after He or She is Born?, Christopher Kaczor
Editorial: Educational leadership and the COVID-19 crises, Margaret Grogan, Michelle D. Young, and Mónica Byrne-Jiménez
Empire and Art in the Hellenistic world (c. 350–31 B.C.E.), Amanda Herring
Gandhi’s Philosophy of Swaraj (Self-Rule, Independence, Freedom): Gandhi, Thurman, and Lawson as a Way of Peace and Change, Christopher Key Chapple
Global Cities and COVID-19: Stories of Resilience and Fragility in Los Angeles, Edward J.W. Park
Heidegger on Deep Time and Being-in-Itself: Introductory Thoughts on ‘The Argument against Need’, Ian Alexander Moore and Tobias Keiling
“Hekate of Lagina: a Goddess Performing her Civic Duty.”, Amanda Herring
Higher Education Challenges: Women in Economics, Inas R. Kelly
How to Read Meister Eckhart’s Poverty Sermon, Ian Alexander Moore
Invisible Hurdles: Gender and Institutional Differences in the Evaluation of Economics Papers, Fulya Ersoy and Jennifer Pate
“Kairos at Night”; along with “—as, after Odysseus”, Sarah Maclay
LA RIVER STEW-MAP: The Los Angeles River Stewardship Mapping & Assessment Project, Michele Romolini and Alyssa Thomas
Liberation Theology: Integrity, Violence & the Theological Dilemma, Nancy Pineda-Madrid
Limitations-Owning and Interpersonal Dimension of Intellectual Humility, Jason Baehr
Mandatory Schooling of Girls Improved Their Children’s Health: Evidence from Turkey’s 1997 Education Reform, Bahadır Dursun, Resul Cesur, and Inas R. Kelly
Masking/Truth: Transformative Visions and Utopias of Hope, Bryant Keith Alexander
Of Intimacy and Interiority, Sarah Maclay
Pain Is Beyng Itself: Heidegger’s Algontology, Ian Alexander Moore
Performative Intergenerational Dialogues of a Black Quartet: Qualitative Inquiries on Race, Gender, Sexualities and Culture, Bryant Keith Alexander
Philosophy and Theology: Conscientious Objection, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Gender Ideology, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Lethal Organ Donation, Christopher Kaczor
Pivoting Between the Past/Present and Towards the Future/Perfect of Autoethnography, Bryant Keith Alexander
Plato and Aristotle in the Enneads, Eric Perl
“Pottery, the body, and the gods in ancient Greece, c. 800-490 B.C.E.,”, Amanda Herring
Psychology and Religion, Christopher Kaczor
Psychology and Religion, Christopher Kaczor
Redeem All: How digital life is changing American evangelical culture, Corrina Laughlin
Redesigning educational leadership preparation for equity: Strategies for innovation and improvement, Michelle D. Young, Ann O'Doherty, and Kathleen M.W. Cunningham
Review of D.Z. Stone, No Past Tense: Love and Survival in the Shadow of the Holocaust, Margarete Myers Feinstein
Review of What is a Person? Realities, Constructs, Illusions, by John M. Rist, Christopher Kaczor
Schematism and Embodiment in Kant’s Opus postumum, Jeffrey Wilson
Seagrasses Under Times of Change - Editorial, Gidon Winters, Mirta Teichberg, Hauke Reuter, Inés G. Viana, and Demian A. Willette
Segmeted Secrecy as Catholic Ecclesial Practice: The Case of Gay Priests, Brett C. Hoover
Social change and relationship quality among sexual minority individuals: Does minority stress still matter?, David M. Frost, Adam W. Fingerhut, and Ilan H. Meyer
Social problems and social control in criminal justice, Stacy Burns and Mark Peyrot
Song of the Broken Dice, Sarah Maclay
Still Spellbound: A Critical Performative Response to ‘STILL POINT’ by Elyse Pineau, Bryant Keith Alexander
Sustainable seafood using octopus as a model, Ian G. Gleadall, Warwick H.H. Sauer, Hassan Moustahfid, Cheryl L. Ames, and Demian A. Willette
Teaching and Engaging Autoethnography as Qualitative Methodology, Bryant Keith Alexander
The Ethics of Abortion: Women’s Rights, Human Life, and the Question of Justice, Christopher Kaczor
The Hidden Springs, Sarah Maclay
The impact of paid sick leave laws on consumer and business bankruptcies, Michelle Miller
“The Pealing of Stillness”: Gadamer on Georg Trakl, Ian Alexander Moore
“The splendori celesti of the San Sisto Icon (Rome): Intercession, Embellishment, and Female Agency,", Kirstin Noreen
Thomas Aquinas on Gratitude to God, Christopher Kaczor
“Thousands and Thousands of Lovers”: Sense of Community Among the Nuns of Helfta, Anna Harrison
Three Movements for Norman Denzin, Bryant Keith Alexander
Translating Gadamer and Heidegger Translating Aristotle: Über'setzen' and 'Über'setzen, Ian Alexander Moore
Trauma and latinx sexual- and gender-minority immigrants in the U.S., Fernando Estrada, Isaiah Jay Jones, David Rivera, Amaranta Ramirez, and Alison Cerezo
Uncertain Future(s): Latinidad, Anthropology, and Institutions, Vanessa Díaz, Sergio Lemus, and Ryan Mann-Hamilton
Valuation of ecosystem services of a nascent urban park in east Los Angeles, California, Kesterlyn Wilson and Demian A. Willette
War, democracy, and art in ancient Greece, c. 490–350 B.C.E., Amanda Herring
‘We Wear the Mask’: Three Movements on Survival, Resistance, and Activist Affect with deference to Paul Laurence Dunbar, Bryant Keith Alexander
What Remains of the Night? The Unbearable Burden of Grief, Anna Harrison
Who Governs? Blank Spots and Blind Spots in State Boards of Education in the United States, Bryan A. VanGronigen, Michelle D. Young, and Kevin Rodriguez
Why Do Chinese Time Travel Stories Follow a Certain Recipe?, Gladys Mac
Zernike-Polynomial-Based Entire-Domain Vector Basis Functions for Circular Domains, Jie Xu
Works from 2021
-, Christopher Key Chapple
A Continuance of Marginal Cost Methodology in Project Change Management, Jose Rincón and Daryl Ono
A Crossroads of Travel: Cairo’s Historic Qarafa Cemetery, Aliaa El Sandouby
After Vuillard, Sarah Maclay
#AmplifyWomen: The emergence of an evangelical feminist public on social media, Corrina Laughlin
Ancient drama applications in education and interactive entertainment, Katerina Zacharia and Marientina Gotsis
‘A New and Special Joy’: Increasing the Happiness of Mary and the Saints in the Helfta Spirituality, Anna Harrison
A New Generation of Educational Leaders: Are they mind full or mindful?, Maryann Krikorian
An Examination of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder–Related Symptoms Among a Sample of Latinx Sexual- and Gender-Minority Immigrants, Fernando Estrada, Alison Cerezo, and Amaranta Ramirez
A Preface: Affective Realness, Bryant Keith Alexander
Are parents satisfied with integrated classrooms?: Exploring integration in dual language programs, Jongyeon Ee
Athanadoros, Hagesandros, and Polydoros of Rhodoes, Laocoön and his Sons, Amanda Herring
Book Review: Rudolf Bultmann, Hans Jonas: Briefwechsel 1928–1976, Ian Alexander Moore
Calligraphy Education in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Yu Li
Capturing Behavior in Small Doses: A Review of Comparative Research in Evaluating Thin Slices for Behavioral Measurement, Nora Murphy and Judith A. Hall
Characterizing Industrial and Artisanal Fishing Vessel Catch Composition Using Environmental DNA and Satellite-Based Tracking Data, Demian A. Willette, Gabriela Navarrete-Forero, Zachary Gold, Apollo Marco D. Lizano, Leonardo Gonzalez-Smith, and Giovanna Sotil
‘Chickens coming home to roost’: American Muslims in the Aftermath, Amir Hussain
Collaborative Spirit-Writing Performance in Everyday Black Lives, Bryant Keith Alexander
Conscience and Confidence: Rebel Hearts, Anna Harrison
Creating Spaces for Meaningful Dialogue: The Human Library at Three Universities, Annette Alvarado, Barbara Ghilardi, John Jackson, Lisa Thornell, and Susan Wardzala
Critical Autoethnography as Intersectional Praxis: A Performative Pedagogical Interplay on Bleeding Borders of Identity, Bryant Keith Alexander
Cross-Border Targeted Radio in Vancouver-Bellingham: Differing Treatments of South Asian and Christian Broadcasters, Kevin Curran
Death, Disease, and Buddhist Patronage in Japan: The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 735, Melody Rodari
Deep in Thought : A Practical Guide to Teaching for Intellectual Virtues, Jason Baehr
Democracy, Information Technology, and Virtue Epistemology, Jason Baehr
Do State Boards of Education Offer an Avenue for Public Voice?, Michelle D. Young, Bryan A. VanGronigen, Kevin Rodriguez, Sarah Tmimi, and Amelia Mcrory
Dreamscapes and Escapedreams: An Autoethnography through the Art of Jerry Weems, Bryant Keith Alexander