Student Research and Publications from 2011
Periphrastic Causatives within Second Language Acquisition: An Analysis of L2 English and L2 Spanish, Lauren F. Wilkins
Picture Yourself: A Heuristic Exploration of Identity Development Through the Use of Photography, Malia P. Prietto
Pilates Certification, Cassidee Sandoval
Pilates for the Dancers Body, Ann Verderame
Pilates for the Dancers Body, Ann Verderame
Presidential Religious Rhetoric and the Faith of a Nation, Megan Cunningham
Shell Eco Marathon Vehicle: Ninja Kitty, James Clements
Spirituality and Healing: Multicultural Implications within Art Therapy, Jennifer L. Lively
Strategies for Self-Care: A Case Study on the use of Mindfulness Meditation, Guided Imagery and Artistic Exploration, Hilary A. Kern
Strike Price, Christopher Ulmer
Systems Engineering Approach to Developing a Successful Business, Frank De Anda
Technology Insertion on Satellite Platforms, Candace Givens
Test Procedure Validation Process, Tony Hernandez
The Age of the Rebels: How Cross-Voting in Westminster Benefits Parliamentary Democracy, Rhiannon Maria Koehler
"The Beauty is in the Journey" Yoga Instuctor Certification, Jennifer Michelle Zepp
The Development of a Critical Consciousness: A Comparison of the Latino Student Walkouts of 1968 and 2006, Alexis Mendoza
The Divine between Spirituality and Movement: An African Centered Analysis, Chadric Johnson
The Duet of Dance and Drama, Julisa Golden
The Market for Life Insurance: An Investigation into the Structure, the Future, and the Ethical Considerations of the Market, Matthew J. Duncan
The Meadow, Michael Dodd
The Purpose of Life in Christian Faith in the Areas of Literature and Dance, Lyung Ha Kim
The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Development Economics: A Case Study of Cambodia, Evan Snively
The Somatic Experience of Trauma in Art Therapy, Heather Naomi Spann
The Wheel, Aditi Minda
Towards An Indian Constructive Theology: Towards Making Indian Christians Genuinely Indians and Authentically Christians, Dominic K. Arputham
Training/Retraining Programs between Business and Local Government, Hanna Mae H. Dabandan
Undocumented, Jenniffer Castillo
Verification of Use Cases, Shannon Bouldin
Why Children Should Dance? A Study of Physical, Cognitive, and Affective Benefits of Dance for Children, Alyssa Maurino
With an Eye to the Marginalized: A New Sexual Ethic for the Roman Catholic Church, José L. Martinez
Yoga Certification: Yogaworks 200-hour Teacher Training Program: A Study of Incoporating Yoga and Ayurveda into a Dancer's Life, Samantha M. Whidby
Student Research and Publications from 2010
3-D Model System, TaShanna K. Houston
An Education: Memoirs of an Asian American Girl Looking for (Self) Representation, Lara Torii
Answering the Call of Deep Ecology: A Christian and Buddhist Response, Lorene Cangiano
Apartment 422, Cliff H. Fleck
A Systems Engineering Approach to Complex Tool Realization, Jude Zils
Blessed Are You Among Women: Two Murderers and the Mother of Jesus, Jessica Obenberger
Body , Mind, and Soul: A Holistic Approach to Massage, Sridevi Bhadrakali Flora Fournier
Building Revenue Assurance Capabilities in the Telecom Enterprise, Vasil Danchev
Captured by the Moment: Salsa Performance Thesis, Maria Ninos
Chaotic Journey to a New Perspective: A Performance Thesis, Felicia L. Kelley
Christian Crash Course, Michael T. Martin
Cognitive Frame Switching of Biracial Asian American/Caucasian Individuals, Allison McFarland
Creating an Air-Cleaning Cat Litter Box, Leo Chan
Dead Reckoning, Esperanza Villegas
Developing a Profitable Photography Business Based on System Engineering Principles & Processes, Mukaila Kazeem
Distorted Images: The Yin Yang Representation of Two Opposing Races Complementing Each Other in Dance, Cristina Pickett
Doubted: A Study of Feminism Through Dance, Christina D'Arrigo
Energy Availability and Bone Mineral Density in Dancers, Runners, and Controls, Maria Frye
Entre Nous (Between Us): A Choreographic Thesis, Blair Brown
Exploration of Yoga: Yoga Certification and Personal Reflection, Lauren Jenkins
Extending XMLPipeDB to Create a GenMAPP-compatible Database for P. aeruginosa for the Analysis of DNA Microarray Data, Kelia McDonald
Feathers Ruffled: Uncovering the Reptilian Brain, Brittany Willut
Financial Realism and Lifestyle Expectations of Emerging Adults, Janelle N. Ruiz
Fine Arts Thesis, Carly Correa
Forming Effective Client Relationships Within the Realm of Accounting, Lisa M. Sequeira
From Modern to Musical Theater: A Comparative Performance Thesis Linking the Genres, Danielle Lanae Burdick
Gene Ontology term enrichment analysis of gene expression changes observed in the TRAMP mouse model of prostate cancer upon treatment with green tea catechins, Stephen Vincent Speicher
Healing Sound: Contemporary Methods for Tibetan Singing Bowls, Kathleen Humphries
High Definition (HD) Local Channel Project, John R. Stuart
Identity Factors and Identity Self-Esteem in College vs. Non-College Emerging Adults, Vincent Brouwers
Impression: Sunrise, Rory Heffernan
Inclusion of Boy-Energy in the Dance Education Curricula, Azalea Echavarria
Influence of Fatty Acid Additives on the Tribological Performance of Sunflower Oil, Patrick Michael Baumgart
Inhibition of Aβ42 aggregation using peptides from combinatorial libraries and organic compounds, Elelta Z. Shiferraw
Inspiration Integrated: A Graphic Journal Integrating Yoga Teacher Training, Dance Studies, and Life, Lola York
International Financial Reporting Standards and the United States: The Controversial Convergence, Tyler Galbraith
Intersect Dance Theatre: Resurrected, Nelly Camacho
Is it Hip or Not? Call it Hip-Hop, Amber Lapree Waterford
La Voz 2010, Loyola Marymount University, Modern Languages & Literatures Department
Layers Revealed, Callie N. Lyons
Loyola Marymount University Online Graduate Program, Kellye Randle
Media Habits of College Students: The Impact of Viewpoint Media on Today's Youngest Voters, Danielle Corkhill
Mind Manipulation: The Morality of Marketing, Ohemaah A. Ntiamoah
Musical Theatre: An American Art Form, Nicole Fein
NYE: A Fractured Fairytale, Marcos Moreno
Providing Voice through Art: An Immigrant Adolescent’s Identity Development, Eunsun Elaine Oh
Quiet Evolution: A Performance Study, Lauren Cannon
Request and Relationship: The Problem of Petitionary Prayer in the Christian Tradition, Katherine Lash
Rhetoric Value of Costuming Within Irish Theatre Set Between 1855 And 1916, Katherine Marie Manning
Said, Friedman, and the Arab Stereotype: Orientalism in Post-9/11 Journalism, Heather Moline
Saving Church, City, and Soul: Sanctuary Mosaics at S. Prassede, S. Cecilia in Trastereve and S. Maria in Domnica in Rome, Alice Beretta
Senior Thesis, Kristen Bretney
Senior Thesis: A Research Project, Caroline Gutilla
Senior Thesis: Project: Body Arts and Science International Pilates Certification-Dance Specialized, Kelly Stanley
Sextet in C# Major: Fusion of the Codified with the Quirky, Heather Ursulum
Student Assistant Director/Producer for the LMU 2010 Student Dance Concert, Animate!, Sarah Cox
Synthesis of Ketodiesters to Explore the Photodecarbonylation Reaction, Marlon Maducdoc
The Art of Dance, The Wonder of Life: A Philosophical Evaluation of the Practice of Dance, Cheryl Smith
The Efficiency of Corn Based Ethanol in the United States, Michael J. Wither
The Greatest Perfection: Spatial Aberrations in Sesshu's Long Scroll, Dorothy Ford
The Historical Approach to Class Field Theory, Daniel R. Moore
The Implementation of Total System Performance Responsibility to Avoid a Weakened Systems Engineering Department, Ashley Johnson
The Ins and Outs of Pilates: Body and Business-E.L.T. Pilates Co. in the Making, Emily Tomeu
The Joy and Passion of Dance: Finding the Dance in Everyone: A Study of Choreographing and Teaching the Masses, Jenessa Marie Wigler
The Kicker, Tim Guest
The Man Who Knew Absolutely Nothing; Or, South by Southwest, Emiliano Flores Burillo
THE OBAMANID: A study of the Classical Epic and its Application to the Modern Age, Molly Lower