Student Research and Publications from 2012
Miniature Sensor Technology Integration (MSTI) and Defense Support Program (DSP): A Heuristic Analysis, Jacqueline Newton
Mute, Charles Roy
My Sister, Alejandra Alarcon
OmniCrutch, Daniel A. Falaleyev
One Day, It'll Pay Off, Valeria Pereira
Owens Valley On Tap - Early L.A. and the Quest to Quench Her Thirst, Steven A. Solari
Packingtown, Ryan Trevino
Performance and Procress: A Study on How to Develop, Maintain, and Reinvigorate Performance Quality, Chelsea J. Rountree
Pilates Certification: Body Arts and Science International Comprehensive Teacher Training Course, Annie Johnson
Preventing Burnout: Rest, Relaxation, and Reduced Stress, Georgina Lewis
Program Evaluation of a Pilot Project Using the Family Art Assessment to Support Clinical Treatment, Meirav Haber
Quinceañera, Ariana Quiñónez
Recording Arts Audio Portfolio, Jacob A. Braafladt
Reducing error in estimating caloric intake: A comparison of two educational modalities, Samantha Valasek
Rethinking Film Distribution, Mesrop Simonyan
Riverview Avenue, Brendan McNerney
Role of Bias in Service Provider Selection, Richelle Haniffa
Saning'o: A Story About a Maasai Moran, Matthew Rice
"Secrets" to System Designs that Maximize Customers' Satisfaction Beyond the Point of Sale, Jay Lee
Seeing the Light: A Journey of Dance in Christian Worship, Jordan Adelberger
Senior Piano Recital, Hannah Bredberg
Sexuality and Gender in Genesis 1-3: A Deconstruction of the Modern Christian Traditional Understanding of Gender Hierarchy in the Bible, Stephen Walden
Summons, Justin Blanche
Teaching Dancers to Dance: The Incorporation of Multiple Intelligences Theory in Curriculum for Dance as an Art Form, Jhia Jackson
The Black Death of Europe and Cholera in 19th Century London: A Comparative Study, Heather Carmody
The Body's Imagery: Yoga and Art in Healing, Licia Wise
The Creative Process, Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production of Un Essere Umano: A Dance Film, Paige Cerchiara
The Education of Dance Educators, Catherine Kamrath
The Familiars, Matt McGinnis
The Lost Text: A Critical Edition of The Rych Cheyne, Loyola Marymount University BS1403, Michael Madrinkian
The Mnemosyne Victim, Sean Henry Goldthwaite
The Oracle, James Zolliecoffer
The Positivity in My Lived Experiences, Jane Dawkins
Versatility in Dance: A Study of Dance Performance Through Ballet and Modern, Amy Garbett
Waste: A Full-Length Play, Rebecca Dzida
What Happens In the Booth: A Stage Manager's Experience, Brianna McLellan
Work-cell Centric Satellite Pulse Flow Production System Integration Test, Jose L. Medina
Student Research and Publications from 2011
Academic Cheaters: Associations of Evolved Motivations, Psychopathy and Cooperative and Self-Serving Cheating, Nathan Mitch
A Call to Ordination: A Scholarly Critique of the Magisterial Arguments Against the Ordination of Women, Meghan O'Rourke
A Case Exploration of Art Therapy from Three Theoretical Perspectives with a Non-Public School Student, Kristen Dara Wright
Acculturation and Identity Issues of Latino Adolescents, Hilda Cristina Aceves
Action Jacksons, Derek Gordon and David Rogoff
All In The Family: Looking at the intersection of family, community and disclosure in the lives of gay and lesbian elders, Nerissa Irizarry
An Art Therapy Exploration of Complex Trauma and Addiction Treatment, Whitney Jade Gordy
An Equal Tax: A Paradox, Adam Margiotta
An Exploration of Language Acculturation as Reflected in the Art of Latino American Families, Elena Zúñiga
Applying Systems Engineering to Life, Jonathan Kaiser
A Qualitative Sequential Design: An Art Therapy Exploration of the Felt-Sense & Self-Care, Kayla Trueit
Art After Death: A Heuristic Study of Death and Tradition, Emily S. Margolis
Art Therapy with Latino Immigrant Men, Paul Quezada
Assessing Charter School Success in California, Ellen Hou
A System Approach to Satellite Test Equipment (STE) Readiness and Calibration Data Review, Alwyn Alcancia
Awake: A Study of Dance Performance, Shae Stanton
BASI Pilates Certification with Dance Specialization, Rose Xing
Beautiful Monkey, Sallua Sehk
Big Brat, Derek Gordon and David Rogoff
Body Arts and Science International Pilated Certification, Layne Rodrigues
Brown Xmas, Maria Ortiz
Can We Play A Game? Art Therapy with a Child Who is Reluctant to Make Art, Brooke E. Knaack
Civil War Diary Keeping: Every Man Was His Own Historian, Noelle Toland
Client-Initiated Premature Termination: How Did the Art Therapists Feel and What Did the Client’s Last Art Reveal?, Nephthys Resurreccion
Constructing Identity: An Art Therapy Exploration of Complex Trauma and Adolescent Development, Sarah C. Dunn
Cookie VS. The Apocalypse, Jennifer Moscoso
Culminating Teaching Experience Portfolio, Amanda M. Keepers
Developing the Body and Mind: Pilates Certification through Body Arts and Science International, Emily Rose Hopper
Dirty Laundry: A Full-Length Play, Amanda Zeitler
Discover(me) The Journey to the Stage, Nicole A. Sylva
DISCOVER(ME): The Journey to the Stage, Nicole Sylva
Divine Union and the Integration of Action and Contemplation in the Seventh Dwelling Place of Teresa of Avila's Interior Castle, Christina Llanes
Downside Up: A Show Combining Dance and Photography, Loretta Toso
Downside Up: A Show Combining Dance and Photography, Loretta A. Toso
El significado del lenguaje en la sociedad moderna (The Significance of Language in our Modern Society), Jacqueline McSweeney
Embracing Weakness: Henri Nouwen and the Spirituality of Imperfection, Elizabeth Llanes
Exploration of Second Generation Hungarian American Identity Development Through Art and Personal Narratives, Erengo Suto
Exploring the Rancho La Brea Canis dirus Collection, Shea Quillin Franklin
Facing Complex Trauma as it Impacts Countertransference and Clinical Work: An Art Therapist’s Journey Through Art and Journaling, Sunset N. Karner
Finding Balance: An Internship Thesis with BARE Dance Company, Victoria Ashley-Park Acker
Find Your Light: An In-Depth Exploration of Lighting Design for Dance Performance, Heather Romanowski
FRACAS: Don’t Cut - Invest!, Chia-fang Ann Torgeson
From Isadora's Free Play to Tremolo: A Choreographic Investigation of Site and its Specificity in Concert Dance, Elizabeth Chitty
Identifying the Essential Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Tasks for Aerospace Systems, Daniel Cho
Impulse: Directing a Dance Concert, Jesse Chin
Impulse: Student Directing a Dance Concert, Shelbie Blackerby
In a Senior Recital, Scott A. Camden
Integrated Scheduling Material Requirements Planning Lean Process, Alex Herrera
Intergenerational Acculturation and Values in Chinese American Families: An Integrative Artistic Narrative Exploration, Kristen K. Wang
Investigation of Movement in the Health and Medical Field, Sonja Kranzfelder
Kit, Kindra McCall
Latina Women Identity Formation Pre and Post Immigration, Melly Trochez
Learning What it Takes: An Analysis of Performance and Researtch in Concert Dance and Creative Work with BARE Dance Company, Jovan Dansberry
"Liminal": The Entrance to the Journey of Self Discovery, Ellie Biddle
Mapping The Neural Integration of Traumatic Memory: Art Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Complex Trauma, Melissa S. Susman
Mathematical Model of Glucose-dependent Bursting in Pancreatic Beta Cells, Kayla Pietruszka
Medical Art Therapy: A Heuristic Exploration, Jacqueline Marie Pellicane
Metamorphosis Journey: Voices of Asian Domestic Violence Survivors Through Art Exploration, Jessica Michelle Yuen
Microfinance: Successful Past, Uncertain Future, Linda Moore
Ne M'oubliez Pas, Taylor Sayig
Peace of Glass, Colleen Marshall