Student Research and Publications from 2006
Oscillation: A Choreographic Thesis, Arletta Anderson
Our Time for Social Justice, Adrienne Tygenhof
Rated R for Sex and Violence: A Teaching Tool for Beginning Ancient Greek Students, Sarah Buser and Sanda Heinz
Ruth and Pilate: Embracing Gendered Embodiment in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon, Jennifer Bickett Hubbell
Seeming Contradiction: A Dialectic of Identity, Margaret Mary Bourque
Senior Dance Thesis, Lorene Gingerich
Senior Thesis, Marisa Xochtl Jimenez
Senior Thesis, Tamara Nicole Roos
Senior Thesis Paper, Christina Crapotta
Senior Thesis Project, Hillary McGranahan
Tamagotchi Nation: How the Japanese Marketing System Drives its Popular Culture, James Malins
Team B: Examination Room, Faustina Lee, John Beilstein, Cassandre Medrano, Laurence Michael, Graham Palmer, Jan Sanchez, and Nadhi Thekkek
Textual Exploration: A Closer Look at Beat Street and its Authenticity Claims, Christine Ye
The Good Life, Ronald Clark Duke III
The Growth of the Young Female Dancer: Mind, Body, and Spirit, Jessica Fuqua
The Harken Story, Matthew Zuvela
The Latino Emergence: The Political Wave of the Future Political Post-Modern Los Angeles, The Latino Phenomenon, & its Effect on Angelinos, Justin James Nigro
The Self-Assembly of Actin on Gelsolin According to a Specific Electron-Beam Patterned Substrate, Sarah Michelle Black
The V-Squad, Daniel J. Walker
"Tread": Senior Choreographic Thesis, Emily DePauw
Video Game Theory: A Peek at Japanese and American Societies through the Games They Make and Play, Dougherty J. Preuss
Young Adolescent Maturity Levels and their Deviant Behaviors, Kristina M. Yamamoto
Student Research and Publications from 2005
An Earthward Glance: Yoga, Phenomenology, and a Remembering of Human-Nature, Sarah Eade
An Ethic of Care in Elementary Education, Kate M. Hollenbeck
Buisness and Solution Plan for Players Travel Inc., Christopher Lee Kissner
Christina English Mezzo-Soprano in a Senior Recital, Christina English
Climate Change and the Developing World, Christopher J. Beaven
Contrast and Assimilation Effects In Perceived Physical Attractiveness, Christopher M. Korte
Conversations: A Senior Thesis on Performance, Melisa Johnston
Dance Senior Thesis, Katrina M. Duncan
Dendritic Cells: The Effect of PGE2 on Human Dendritic Cell Phenotype and Function & Imaging the Uptake and Subsequent Cell Death in Human Dendritic Cells, Kathleen G. Mitchell
Hamlet: A Study in Buddhism, AJ Knox
Have a Little Faith: Integrating Faith in Business Decision-Making, Marjorie L. Devany
How to Distinguish Knots: The Alexander Polynomial, Sara Frietze
Induction, Visualization, and Characterization of Capsule in Knockout Mutants of the Fungal Pathogen, Cryptococcus Neoformans, Luningning A. Ocampo
Magic Hour, Anton C. DeLateur
Merrie Monarch Festival Inspires Creation of Battling Goddesses, Megan Tipping
Ministry in its Fullness: Jesuit Campus Ministries as Collaborative Pastoral Agents, Spencer R. Johnston
My Miss Saigon Experience, Lauren Magboo
Orientalism In Vergil's Aeneid, John Ohanesian
Senior Dance Thesis, Sarah Romanowsky
Senior Thesis, Alyssa Marrin Eichelberger
Senior Thesis, Rebecca Rae Greenbaum
Senior Thesis, Melinda M. Ritchie
Shame the Devil, Deirdre Gaffney
The Balikbayan Component: Filipino Americans and Tourism to the Philippines, Trina A. Roldan
The Corporatization of the American University, Samantha Heindl
The Creative Integration of Art and Marketing for the Emerging Artist, Heidi Jayne Netzley
The Invisible Immigrant: Acculturation, Identity, and the Second-Generation Black West Indian Immigrant, Maneka Deanna Brooks
Thesis Presentation, Janae Angela Williams
What It Means to be a Little Girl in Tutu: Gender Role Development for Children in Ballet, Brooke N. Schneider
...Y No Se Lo Trago La Tierra: An Exploration of Unconventional Self-Representation in Non-Traditional Autobiography, Frances LeSourd
Student Research and Publications from 2004
8 Women 3 Chairs (Number.8), Sara Kay
A Choreographic Process, Sara Clayton
Asian American Panethnicity and Hate Violence, Joy E. Inouye
A Thesis on Performance: Shape of My Heart, Sabrina Garrison
Basque Political Identity, Hilary Yribarren
Becoming "Japanese": Modem Myths and the Creation of the Japanese Nation, Erica Connolly
Changing Perspectives: Anti-Illusionism In Modernist Art And Literature, Erica Adelstein
Characterization of the Racing Stripe and extra eye phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster and Modifiers of extra eye also modify Racing Stripe in Drosophila melanogaster, Jeanette Lynn Grant
Dance Senior Thesis, Rashanna Renee Dennis
Decision-Making In Business: Looking Beyond Efficiency, Stephanie M. Interiano
Effectiveness Outcomes of Outpatient PTSD Treatments: Research and Anaylsis, Christy Cummings
Fly Trap, Kellen Prandini
Fons Vitae: Exploring Previously Unrecognized Jewish Elements in Solomon Ibn Gabirol's Work, Joshua Alan Bachrach
Getting The Message: Dialogic Consituents in Prosodic Forms And Poetic Meaning and Inverting The Exhausted Symbol A Collection Of Prosodic Poems, Katrina Swenson
Gordian, Lowell Trott
Methods of Pipelining in Microprocessors, Carolyn R. Krekeler and Scott J. Haluck
Oh For The Nightingale's Pure Song And A Fate Like Hers: The Cassandra Figure In The Classics And Shakespeare, Sarah E. Hafner
Organizational Commuication Culture of Arthur Murray Dance Studio, Michelle Tzu Chen Pan
Performing, Kristin McCollum
Performing: A Senior Thesis, Kristin McCollum
Preaching the Good News to the Poor: A Liberative Christology from the Stand of Dalit Christians, John Joseph Sundaram
Senior Dance Thesis, Marjani Forté
Senior Research Thesis, Rekesha Rochelle Dennis
Senior Thesis, Billy Walsh
Senior Thesis Project, Erin Romo
Senior Thesis: Royal Academu of Dance, Adrianna Fiori
Sr. Thesis Workbook, Marjani Akida Forté
The Dead, Ben Stein
The Effect of Soil Salinity and Flooding on the Growth of the Invasive Carpobrotus Edulis (L.) N.E. BR: Implications for its Spread into the Ballona Wetlands, Leanne M. Zakrzewski
The Evasive Subject and the Question of Humanism in Lacanian Psychoanalysis, Jennifer R. Long
The Implications of Music in Ancient Greek Philosophy, John Douglas Pingel
The Isomorphism Theorem of Nöther and its Natural Habitats, Erika Frugoni
The Oxidation of L- and D-Dopa by Synthetic Mimics of Metal-Ion Containing Enzymes, such as Tyrosinase, Robert G. Iafe
Tomorrow Is, Nicole McKinney
Two Political Roads: Adams, Jefferson, and the Rise of Party Politics in the Early National Era, Michael J. Keane
Undecidable, Edward Scott
What is Dance and Dancing?, Christina Malone
What is Dance? Dance as Emotional and Physical Movement, Jacqueline Wessely
Whose King Is He?: The Sources that Inform Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Theory of Nonviolence, Rebekah Walter
Student Research and Publications from 2003
200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training: La Pura Vida, Hannah Dawe
A Senior Thesis: "Performing", Michelle Felton
Dance Senior Thesis, Rashanna Dennis
Dance Senior Thesis, Greta Kent-Stoll
Dance Senior Thesis, Jennifer A. Symons
Senior Dance Thesis, Gina Johnson